Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sock Update

Whew! I had no idea that learning to knit socks on dpn's was going to be this hard! I have started and pulled it out about 10 times now. I am using the Silver Sock Tutorial, which is probably as good as any tutorial you can find, because of the great pictures. (I have a link to it in the side bar if anyone needs it.) I know that I can and will learn this little bugger, but I wish that I would do it soon! Maybe I should take Alicia's advice and try circulars instead. How am I going to be a Sock Millionaire if I never get the dang things started? Rats!

1 comment:

Knit - R - Done said...

It took me many tries to knit my first socks. I use magic loop most of the time, but I will still use dpns every once in a while. It's really one of those things that it just takes a bit of fiddling to get going.