Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Combining My Blogs

Hi Everyone!
I have decided to combine my 3 blogs into one. I will now be posting at GardenLynn all the time, so please visit me there. You will see lots of things from Knit Picky and Lynn Quilts on the GardenLynn blog. Visit soon!

Monday, August 4, 2008

I have been tagged!

Thanks to Indigo Blue for tagging me. I needed to get back to my blog. So now it is my turn to do some tagging!

These are the rules which need to be passed on:
1). Link to the person who tagged you on your blog.
2).Post the rules of the tag on your blog.
3).Write 6 random things about yourself.
4).Tag 6 people at the end of the post.
5).Let each of the people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6).Let tagger know that your tag entry has been posted.

OK, here are my 6 random things:

1> I love football
2> I wanted to be a musician
3> My eyes are really greenish/blue
4> I am Obsessive/Compulsive about almost everything
5> I love to eat lemons with salt
6> I have small feet

Now, I am tagging these people:
Cake Makes the World a Better Place
Knit Er Done
Nannybird Crafts
Yes, I am a Yarn Snob
The Procraftinators

Fun, fun, fun

Is it really August???

I can't believe that it is August. I am so behind! I don't even know where to start to get caught up on my blogging. I have been working like a demented person for months now, and my head is just spinning with all the stuff I have to catch up on. Thanks to Indigo Blue for tagging me, and getting me back on the straight and narrow! I am going to try and catch up over the next few days, so look for long posts!