Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Other Blog

On my other blog, LynnQuilts, I blog about my quilting hobby. I wish that I could combine that blog with this one. I would really like to have all my hobbies on the same blog. Maybe I could call it "All the many projects that Lynn thinks that she has time to do". I am so blonde! I think that I am superwoman, but won't admit it. There are not enough hours in the day to even begin to do all the things that I try to do. I might start copying and pasting the stuff from that blog over here, since I have nothing else to do and no hobbies. Oh, brother!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sock Update

Whew! I had no idea that learning to knit socks on dpn's was going to be this hard! I have started and pulled it out about 10 times now. I am using the Silver Sock Tutorial, which is probably as good as any tutorial you can find, because of the great pictures. (I have a link to it in the side bar if anyone needs it.) I know that I can and will learn this little bugger, but I wish that I would do it soon! Maybe I should take Alicia's advice and try circulars instead. How am I going to be a Sock Millionaire if I never get the dang things started? Rats!


I have been reading the blog of a young woman in Australia by the name of Jeni, who has cancer. The more I read, the more blown away I am by the courage that this young woman has as she faces this terrible disease. I have learned over the years that there are some people in this world who are different from all the rest of us, and let me tell you that Jeni is one of those people. She has something that we don't have and I am in awe of her.

Some of her friends have gotten together to raise money for her and help with her medical expenses and things that insurance will not cover. I don't have a lot of readers on my blog, but I know that the ones I do have will join me in spreading the word about this need.

The links are in the side bar, and I hope that all of you will take a minute to get to know Jeni and to pass it on to your own friends and fellow bloggers.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Knitting is Therapy!

Did you know that knitting is considered therapy? I just bought a book called "Never to old to Knit, Beautiful Basics for Baby Boomers". I consider myself a Baby Boomer. It talks about the fact that knitting can relieve stress, help your arthritis and ease your tension. WOW! I am already hooked, but I am so glad to know that I am going to get some health benefits from it too. In the section called "10 Top Reasons to Start Knitting Now", it says, and I quote, "Working with beautiful colors and textures of yarn can be very comforting, and the hand movements involved in knitting have a calming effect".

Let's Knit Ya'll!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Project Update

1. The sweater for Beany is coming along and it looks really good!

2. Randy asked me to crochet a blanket for a teacher at his school who is pregnant. She is having a boy. I decided to try and design and knit a simple blanket, and so far it is looking good too!

3. I finished knitting the handbag and now I have to put it all together into a handbag, hope to do that this weekend.

4. I tried the sock tutorial and it did not go well. The reason I think is because the phone kept ringing and I was very tired, and I could not keep the dpns in order. Once I knitted a side onto the same needle as the other side, having 2 working needles. I am not giving up though, I am going to try the tutorial again, and I have also ordered TSocks 101 from Tsarina on Ravelry. Can't wait for it to arrive. It is supposed to be the best tutorial for beginners.

5. And finally, I am hoping to have a knit/crochet weekend with my DIL in a couple of weeks. I have been teaching her to crochet and she is a quick study, so she is ready to make a blanket. I hope that while she is working on her blanket, I will have time to work on my projects too.

Monday, April 7, 2008


I want to try a pair of socks. You need double pointed needles and sport weight or fingering weight yarn. I am going to get the needles tomorrow, and I am going to try a tutorial that I found on Ravelry. If you want to take a look, the website is Take a look, it looks like a great tutorial with clear pictures, and lots of good notes.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I am going to try a cardigan for Beany. I am starting it today. It seems easy and good for beginners, so I thought I would give it a shot. The pattern came from Lion Brand's website, and I am using a chunky yarn in a great forest green color. I am thinking that it will be perfect for Beany to wear at Christmas.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have gotten some great patterns off of Knitting Daily. I am working on a handbag right now and then I am doing a sweater for Beany for Christmas. I love Ravelry, if I ever learn how to get around on the site.