Saturday, April 12, 2008

Project Update

1. The sweater for Beany is coming along and it looks really good!

2. Randy asked me to crochet a blanket for a teacher at his school who is pregnant. She is having a boy. I decided to try and design and knit a simple blanket, and so far it is looking good too!

3. I finished knitting the handbag and now I have to put it all together into a handbag, hope to do that this weekend.

4. I tried the sock tutorial and it did not go well. The reason I think is because the phone kept ringing and I was very tired, and I could not keep the dpns in order. Once I knitted a side onto the same needle as the other side, having 2 working needles. I am not giving up though, I am going to try the tutorial again, and I have also ordered TSocks 101 from Tsarina on Ravelry. Can't wait for it to arrive. It is supposed to be the best tutorial for beginners.

5. And finally, I am hoping to have a knit/crochet weekend with my DIL in a couple of weeks. I have been teaching her to crochet and she is a quick study, so she is ready to make a blanket. I hope that while she is working on her blanket, I will have time to work on my projects too.

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