Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Remembering Tim Russert

To me, he was larger than life. I was always awestruck with his knowledge of government, law and politics. My son, Cory, and I are political junkies, and read many political blogs. Tim was always the person that I wanted to hear on any subject, and always sought out his opinion.

This is a great loss for his family, this country and many political people like Cory and myself. We will never forget you, Tim. Godspeed.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lifelock 400 and the US Open

Today has been a really good day! Dale Earnhardt, Jr. won the
Lifelock 400 at Michigan. This is his first win in 75 races, and he gained on Kyle Busch in points. However, our cable has been out since yesterday and I had to go to Digger's to see him win! I am so excited! I am a die-hard Dale Earnhardt, Jr. fan, and I am so happy that he won! Now, on to the Open. Just as I am a Dale fan, I am also a die-hard Tiger Woods fan, and I am so pulling for him to win the US Open at Torrey Pines, that it will make this a perfect day! GOOOOO Tiger! Our cable just came on...woo-hoo... and I am glad to be able to watch the final hour of the open. Now, on to knitting. I have ordered some new needles from Knit Picks, and I can't wait for them to get here. I am so hoping they will come tomorrow, but it will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday. As soon as they get here, I will start my first PAIR of socks, and I just can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Stone Mountain

Randy, Beany and I went to Stone Mountain last night to the laser show. We took a quilt, chairs, food and of course, I took my knitting. I thought that I would sit out and knit while we were relaxing. That never happened. We rode the train, walked around in the little town, and had so much fun. Even though I didn't have time to knit, it was still a fun night. Beany loved the train, but he did not care for the fireworks that they had at the laser show. They scared him, and I felt bad that he was upset. We got home about 10:30 pm, and he was exhausted, so we put him to bed. He was fine this morning, and I am sure has forgotten all about the noise.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Knit Studio - Jackson, MS

I visited a great knit shop in Jackson last week. I was in MS on business and I always look for knit shops when I travel. The shop was called The Knit Studio and it was very contemporary and had a wonderful selection of everything that a knitter could want or need. I think that it is fairly new in business. The owner's name is Judy McNeil and the shop is located in the Canton Mart. Judy was extremely nice and helpful. She helped me pick out a sock yarn, and put me in her computer as a customer so that I will receive her updates.

It's Official! I am a SOCK GODDESS!

What can I say? I am truly a sock goddess! I have almost finished my first sock, and I am so excited. I have to thank all the Friday night girls, and Marsha at Yarn Garden for all their help and inspiration. I am now going to knit 5 million pairs of socks, and then I might knit a sweater or something. I also want to say thanks to Randy for understanding my sock addiction. He is the best hubby ever!